Placeholder archive 2003.02 (post-Interval). Copyright © Y2K, 2001, 2003 by Brenda Laurel and Rachel Strickland. To access this archive, use Netscape 2.xx or a similar HTML browser, and open the file URL "http:www/interval/placeholder/index.html" The sounds included are 16 bit AIFF files - a Macintosh sound player may be downloaded in BinHex form from this archive (see the "Sounds" page) using a hypertext browser. The sound files have the extension ".aiff", and you may need to configure your browser to recognize this extension, and launch the appropriate sound player. The formatted documents are in Microsoft Word "RTF" format, and have the extension ".word". You may need to configure your browser to recognize this extension, and launch the document with Word. Video clips are in Quicktime format, with the extension of ".mov". You may need to configure your browser to recognize this extension, and launch the appropriate player. Image files are variously in GIF, JPEG, and TIFF format. Inline images are GIF; these are adaptively error-diffused from the original 24 bit images, which are available here as JPEG and TIFF files, using custom palettes - this archive is therefore best viewed using 24 bit or at least 16 bit color displays.