Michael Naimark

Michael NaimarkMichael Naimark likes to say that he is not a computer person. He calls himself an independent who has straddled research and art communities for years. He has exhibited media artwork all over the world, and taught art at several U.S. colleges. He was instrumental in making the first interactive videodiscs, and his specialty is field recording for immersive or interactive end- use. For instance, he has "moviemapped" Aspen from the street, Paris from the sidewalk, and the San Francisco bay from the air. These videodiscs let you move through the city as if you're there.

Michael is a Member of the Research Staff at Interval Research Corporation, and may be reached as naimark@interval.com

Y2K Post-Interval note:

Much has happened since the above was written. Michael may now contacted at michael@naimark.net, and his personal web site is: www.naimark.net.

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